Hi Everyone, I have another study that we’re looking for people to participate in! We’re looking for people from all types of job roles, including executives, individual contributors, people/team managers, project/work managers, and system admins. This study will help us to understand the ease of n...
"this whole Workfront not loading thing is going to make me snap. it's out of control." "omg. i have to refresh 4 and 5 times per job. nothing will load in the center of the screen. it's maddening" "Can we please go back to just using Teams, at least things opened then" So......anyone have any luck ...
Hi Everyone, We’re looking for feedback on how people use Workfront and other tools to plan and execute marketing campaigns, particularly regarding financials for these campaigns. It would be great if you could fill out this 5-minute survey to help us understand what features are needed to better se...
Our content management system has on-premises servers that we would like to link up to Workfront to track metadata and files. It sounds that like might be possible with the use of APIs. I was wondering if anyone has any insights when it comes to connecting Workfront to a content management system us...
I'm very frustrated with the Backlog and considering switching to Jira for my team. Has anyone found a solution to these obstacles?Can't move tasks when they're grouped (this means you only have one sorting feature - difficult when trying to prioritize tasks from amount of work.Story points:Can't ad...
I'm trying the IFIN(value, value1, value2,..., trueExpression, falseExpression). However, my multi select field has numerous instances that need to be combined. When I reached out to support they said "CONTAINS" wouldn't work for what I'm trying to do. Has anyone had to do this or know enough about ...