Hi All, We are currently in the process (and have been for months) of trying to configure our Workfront instance to enable users to reply to email notifications and this post their reply back into Workfront. We are trying to configure this using grelay and have seemed to hit mutliple issues and are...
We are looking for a Workfront Implementation Consultant to help with the next phase of the Workfront roll out at Sephora in SF. Please contact me if you are interested. Sarah Sweeney Sephora Creative Ops Company
Hi all! I'm hoping the Business Case gurus of these fine forums can help me out with a bit of a quandary I've encountered on my quest to build a better Workfront experience for my users :) (sorry for the lengthy read ahead, but much appreciated if you make it all the way through!) We are currently i...
Are you local to the Bay Area? Would you consider being for a few months? We are in the process of implementing Workfront and we're looking for a Workfront expert to help us move our teams in that direction with ease. If you've helped implement Workfront recently and are looking for a change of pace...
Hi everyone, I've hope that you have a great day! We're in the process of testing newly developed (updated) solution regarding print summary page, and we're looking for volunteers amongst our customers to assist us with that process. You'll be able to check the updated version of print summary page ...
Hi Community, I'm preparing for my 2018.2 release meeting (where I share and walk through the updates and new functionality with the other system admins in my company) and I'm hoping for some clarification. I just noticed this topic on the release notes that's been implemented in the Beta Final stag...
Hi There's a lot of discussion about API usage on this board. I know what an API does (my experience in the travel industry: to serve data to clients in real time is my best short answer) but I'm curious to know why/when people use an API for Workfront. What is the scenario that makes it a better op...
Is there a way to add Planned Duration (rather than Original Duration) or Remaining Duration Hours (rather than Remaining Duration Minutes) to tasks under Home or My Work? The default duration options (see attached) don't fully fit what our creative team is asking to see. Thanks Catherine Hayes Mana...
Hi, I am a WF noobie, so please excuse this question if it's super obvious. I'm trying to have a successor task not start until after the predecessor task has been completed i.e. i would like the start date on the successor task to automagically update when the predecessor end date has been adjusted...