Hello, I've noticed that we often have tasks and requests require more effort upfront or towards the end of the duration. I've been using the workload balancer, and while it's a great tool, it seems to be using a flat averaging approach over the entire duration. Is anyone else finding this to be the...
Seeking suggestions/ideas on ways others have possibly solved communicating the impact of mid-sprint decisions made by business partners and/other other team members. I'm thinking a dashboard of reports, but interested in the ideas that others have implemented as to the content of those reports and/...
Hi all,I have a user who has queried if it's right to only be bale to view all hours logged against a project if you have Manage access to the project. If he has contributor or view access then he's restricted to only his own hours.I believe this is correct (seems logical), but I can't find a help p...
Hi all, I have a user who who is missing the Approval option with a task. Her Layout Template set in her User Profile should allow her to view it, she's the owner of the project and has a Plan licence. The image below shows my view on the left and hers on the right. I'm a Sys admin. Can anyone think...
HiCreated "Document Type" report, in 2 Grouping added --> Owner Company Id and Current Version Entry DateTried to change Company ID to Company Name, however no success, Any suggestions????Even I tried to change in text mode under grouping from companyid to company name, but no success.Adding here fo...
We are a potential Workfront Client who is slowly becoming more disinterested in Adobe Workfront due to unanswered Demo queries. We have sent at least 8 requests and not a single one has been answered. Can someone lead us to the proper sales department handling the Philippines? Perhaps a Hongkong...
Hi I'm looking to get some user feedback on a Workfront to Adobe Express Add-On Integration. You do not need to be an Adobe Express customers, but likely helpful if your organization does utilize one or more Adobe Creative tools. If you are willing, I'd love to setup a call, share my screen, and dem...
Hello, I am currently trying to make a Calendar report, but my user has a specific date range they wish to report on. The Start Date they wish to use is tied to a specific task in the project, where as the End Date is tied to the Parent Project's Completion Date. Is this possible? Thank you,Eric