We can see that when we create new Fragments to be used in email they is created in a Draft mode. And when testing the email with Proofing, we cant se any differences it a Fragment is in Draft mode or in Published mode. We are therefor wondering what is the difference. Is the Draft node just used wh...
I have had a few marketers raise questions about the New reporting tool. When measuring email click-through rates (CTR) in the industry, the standard practice is to use "unique clicks," meaning each recipient is only counted once even if they click multiple times on the same link within the email; ...
We have an onboarding journey with multiple email steps. A series of 6 emails are sent after some delay times between them which we have set up already.We also want to include one more email that can be sent anytime they receive their offers during this onboarding phase. For that we made an audience...
Hi There, I am having an issue that I kicked off one test email to send with one profile, but its action failed saying by the 24 hours reportError reasonErrorsNo email address found in profile1 That's strange because it's populated by looking via profile option with specific namespace and ID. My tho...
Hello all,I kindly need your support on the correct syntax & functions to be used on a Wait node (Custom)I'm required to wait until X days before a dynamic dateExample:End Date = 2025-02-10T18:00:00ZX = 2 daysCalculated datetime from Custom wait = 2025-02-08T18:00:00ZCould you help me with the corre...
Hi, I have a fair understanding of how the tracking links work in AJO. Just trying to find adobe document that explains how it works under the hood? Especially, where does AJO keep the original URL? is it in the tracking URL? If yes then is it encoded/encrypted. This is the level of detail I am look...
Hi there, I’m currently creating a few offers for our client and wanted to clarify the difference between Rules and Audience.If you could explain the key differences with some examples, particularly highlighting situations where one would be more appropriate than the other, it would be really helpfu...
I have sent test emails to four profiles, but only one test profile is receiving the test email in Adobe Journey Optimizer. All four profiles are test profiles. I am doing this from the Sandbox. Some (but not all) received the test emails after several hours.
Is it possible to use the same IP addresses across two email platforms. We would like to test Email Delivery in AJO while still using SFMC. Looking for a way to avoid IP Warming. We already have a custom action sending email send trigger to SFMC.
I have a use case where the Primary Identity Namespace is a unique ID representing a customer's account. However a customer can have multiple accounts, all with the same email address associated to them, and as a result there are multiple profiles with the same email account. When a customer opts ou...