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Top Analytics Questions - Q1 2021


Level 10




Top Questions Overall

JWT access token: How can I change the expiration?
Difference between Visit and Hit
Can someone explain this assets.adobedtm.com call?
postman authentication got failed with error 'Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ims-na1.adobelogin.com'.
How to implement campaign tracking code by steps using admin console in adobe analytics
Calculation of Average Time Spent on Page in Adobe Analytics
react with adobe analytics
How to integrate Salesforce with Adobe Analytics
Mobile device types
What is VISTA rules and processing rules?
Cookie ID and Session ID?
Link AdWords to Adobe Analytics
Total visitors < (New Visitors + Returning Visitors)
Exit Metric - what's the definition?
Character Limitation
Workspace break down all rows and then breakdown all breakdowns
Campaign URL Builder with Adobe Analytics?
Report Builder Login Error - "The user Login process was unsuccessful..."



Top Unanswered Questions

How to connect with Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Does anyone have experience integrating OneTrust Cookie Consent Management Tools with Adobe Launch?
ACDL and the "component" property with fewer evars/props/events than in the docs
Marketing channel instances not equal to visits...why?
Analytics Configuration failing
how to track form submission
Fallout Visualisation - Breakdown Fallthrough
Analytics - JWT token is incorrectly formatted, and cannot be decoded
Analytics Dashboard Page-flow Exits vs Bounce Rate
Missing cart additions
Create segment from eVar values delimited by ":"
What is the definition of "First launch" in regards to app data? Is it the equivalent to a...
What is the _schn cookie?
How do I pull data on a CSV list of specific URL's from Adobe Analytics?
What is the difference between 'Path Views' on a flow visualisation and Visits/Visitors on a freefor...
Adobe VID and MID
Logic groups in Segmentation
channelManager v4.0
Direct traffic show entries when filtering paid campaigns only
How can we share the adobe analytics real time data to another REST API

*Questions that have since been answered have struck through titles





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Super Users - Challenge yourself and help your fellow community members by trying to answer a few of the unanswered questions from Q1 2021!