We're trying to clean up the views available to the users but we don't know what's being used and what's not. What I thought to do is to create a View report and see the last used date and by whom but I don't think I'm able to add these kinds of fields. Any thoughts on this one?
With assists going to my fellow contributors Eric L and Anthony I in this "https://community.workfront.com/p/fo/st/post=3967#p3967">inspiring thread this morning, I would like to introduce a new concept within this Workfront Community forum, with this thread being the first. By inventing the #Adva...
Hi: What screen capture software do you use? WorkFront Tech Support asked me to use the ILOS Screen Recorder. It works painlessly and I like it for video. I used to use PSR. On a Windows computer, PSR is a program that comes with every computer. It doesn't shoot video, but it does describe every...
Okay, I learned something today. I feel compelled to share it, so the Tech Support team doesn't get more questions like mine. I have been notorious for telling Tech Support the calculated completion date is wrong. I have learned that each time, WorkFront was calculating it correctly. Here are the re...
Hi All- this seems like a silly question- but my PM's are obsessing about it- how is duration calculated? I know it depends on the task settings- let's assume it's a calculated assignment, and as sson as possible (we're still learning how to leverage all these settings) i.e- task duration 10/1-1...
I'm looking for Workfront admin who have fun ideas RE: ongoing WF education. I'm trying to workshop some myself to get our creative team more jazzed about being diligent WF users, but then I thought the community might have something better. Here’s what I was throwing around: WORKFRONT POP...
Hi, We have timesheet approval process where each employee submits his time on weekly basis and his/her manager approves the time sheet . If this approval process is not completed in time then administrators close those timesheets. We have observed that a few approvers inadvertently reopened these...
I want to create a custom prompt using custom fields, normally you can search the API explorer for the camel code for the field but if it is a custom field then obviously it is not in there. I did load the column and switch to text mode to see what workfront had called my field but it looked like ...