Hi, in our Company we have the Issue that users have to SignIn very often when they try to open an Item that is at our Workfront Page.They also have to put in their Phone number to receive a code to their phone to be able to SignIn. (Even tho they did this already several times.) The SignIn works, b...
The header menus in Workfront are so incredibly large that they leave very little available workspace for me. This is not an issue when I am at the office and have my full-size monitor available, but it becomes incredibly cumbersome when I'm traveling and using my laptop only. I've attached a scree...
Currently our mail drop date is the "Planned Completion Date" for the Project. The project Schedule Mode is set for Completion Date, and our custom project template backs us into all the necessary tasks/dates that we need. However, we have a few tasks that need to take place after this date (proces...
I am looking for a way to restrict editing of fields in a custom form. I need the info in the fields to be viewed be all users but only edited by an admin. Is this possible?
We're working on a new process for users to submit requests. All users will be set up under the same Company in Workfront. Is there a good way to limit the request visibility to only My Requests instead of All? I know we can't disable the all filter under requests. So I was hoping there's another ...
Can I create a report (task or assignment) that shows only tasks assigned to a specific role? Similar to "is primary" but something like "Assigned to Role ID is the only assignee". For example, I want to see what tasks we have that are only assigned to a PM and not to any other users or roles. I've ...
Anyone know if the airplane or ! icon has been removed when assigning a user to a task in-line on a project schedule?Is this a glitch or has the icon been removed?When I did a search under help, it shows the ! icon next to the user who is out during the task duration.https://experienceleague.adobe.c...
We're moving towards tracking time in Workfront. We don't care about time spent on individual tasks, only what project it goes to. In order to guarantee projects show up on user's timesheets, we were planning on adding a dummy time tracking task that spans the length of the project. Is there a wa...
I have a report in which I have a custom calculated field on to calculate the Weekday Difference between Entry Date and Actual Completion Date. I have this custom calculated field formatted as a number. I need to group by this field on a report (0-10 days, 11-30 days, 30+ days) so that I can pull i...