Hi, I have a custom form that is attached to a Task. Is there a way to set it up that the task can only be marked as completed when the custom form has been filled out? Wibke
In this case, the phone Support person was able to help me figure out the issue, but it's so tiny-weird that I figured I'd come document it here for the next person to run into it. I wanted to schedule a refresh of my sandbox environment yesterday, expecting it to run overnight. However, when I brou...
I am finding the new personal homepage to be excellent, particularly the to-do list widget for personal tasks. I understand that the to-do list should be available for all user levels. However, a number of my colleagues are receiving an error stating "There was a problem creating your to-do, pleas...
I recently updated a custom form field from radio buttons to check boxes and now the chart is not functioning in the report. It is showing "no value." Is there a way to get the chart to work with the new custom form field that is has check boxes?
In my Workfront New Home Experience I have the To-dos widget set up. How do I find to-dos that I entered that are beyond the time frame I set up at the top?Currently I have it set up to show me "My month". But I have a to-do set up for September. Where do I go to find that if I want to make a change...
I would like to build a report listing all portfolios and the programs within those portfolios. I am unable to do a grouping of programs if I start with a portfolio report AND if I start with a program report then my portfolio grouping does not reflect all portfolios because not all portfolios conta...