If dates shift forward or back, how can we tell the difference in Workfront? Currently we are changing the date and adding a note in the description section but there has to be a better way to show change in the project once complete.
We are building an integration between Google Drive and AEM using Fusion. We have used the google drive module infusion to get files from google drive using "search for files/folders". We are able to get the files if we are provides the exact location of folders and subfolders in "List of folders" i...
I have created a connection and retrieved a file from google drive in fusion through google modules(Get File). I am only getting File ID, File Name, File Size but i need the data of that file. So, can anyone let me know how to get data of that file.
I have connected my personal Gmail account to fusion using google drive module and trying to get the file from my google drive but when i am pasting ID of the file from google drive in the File ID field in fusion i am getting the error as "403 (insufficient Permission): Insufficient Permissions in g...