The Value for Email Opens is incorrect in the New Reporting UI for AJO in AJO and also when opened in CJA. The Value is seriously under reported. When the same metric is manually added in CJA, the correct value appears. The Unique Opens originally shown matches the number of Unique Email Unsubscr...
Hello,We are assessing options of supporting approval process for emails in AJO, and we couldn't find a direct way of doing this as we did for ACC. Is there a recommended way to do this for journeys or campaigns, in AJO? Is there something planned in the future to support this flow? Thank you!
Hi,Is there a way to create an audience of profiles who have bounced from a email journey, or have wrong emails, basically email wasn't delivered to them at all?
Hello All, I'm trying to export an audience in AJO from the UI (to Excel or CSV). I noticed there's a way to do it using an API. I'm wondering if there's a different way to do it from the UI, as there's a way to import audiences from the UI. If anyone can help me with this, it'll be greatly apprecia...
I am trying to establish the relationship from the destination schema Purchase, Experience Event class, field SKU to the Product Schema, product class, reference field skuID. Both fields are strings. Unfortunately it is only giving me the One to One option. What am I doing wrong?
How do i do the sum of two different variable in two different object values like the below. sum(#{ExperiencePlatform.ProfileFieldGroup.profile._tenant.Trigger.Triggers.all(currentDataPackField.triggerName=="trg_0079_loan_promise" and currentDataPackField.numericAttribute01>=5000).numericAttribute0...
How to convert the below ACC/JavaScript array code in the AJO? var secFour = [{language:"englishVer", linetext:"Got Questions?"},{language:"spanishVer", linetext:"¿Tienes Dudas?"},{language:"frenchVer", linktype:"oca", linetext:"Avez-vous des Questions?"},{language:"englishCaVer", linetext:"Got Ques...