I have an expression fragment syntax "{{#inline "var_1"}}Value_1{{/inline}}" which I want to customize in the email content with the following"{{fragment id='ajo:1f0cd758-e1d5-4034-ba12-d69375018103' mode='inline' var_1='New_Value'}}{{var_1}}". I want the default value "Value_1" to be replaced with ...
Hi,How can I retrieve the day of the week using the AJO Advanced Expression Editor? I'm encountering the following error when using the syntax {%= dayOfWeek(now()) %}.Date Time functions library | Adobe Journey Optimizer
I am noticing in the new AJO Reporting UI that I cannot see the individual emails in the report only the total performance for the campaign. So comparing the performance of emails is not possible in the case of an A/B Test. Also I noticed a very big different in the number appearing in the opens ...
Hi, I want to implement a use case using a custom wait or condition in AJO where the current date should return the day of the week, ensuring that the date is neither a weekend nor a public holiday. If the date falls on either a weekend or a public holiday, the profile should wait until the next val...
Hi Team, I want to use a fragment in compatibility mode so that when I update the href="#" in one place, it will automatically update in another location. Is there a way to achieve this using a helper function or variable? I will attach a screenshot of my HTML for reference. Note: I have attached an...
I have the following requirement: An email communication containing a countdown is required. From this, the email communication should be sent to customers with the counter starting on the date the email communication is sent and ending, for example, in seven days.Currently the countdown is running ...
Hello, We have developed a custom profile schema for managing consents and are not using the default 'Custom and Preferences' field group. However, due to certain channel configurations in Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO), when a customer unsubscribes from a channel, the default fields are automatica...
Hi,I want to explore all the helper functions (such as function, helper, operator) in Ajo. Is there another way to test all these functions without having to create a field in APE?
Hi , I'd like to restrict editing of my Fragment so that only I and my team can make changes. Others should only be able to duplicate and Edit it. How can I achieve this in AJO? @Mohan_Dugganab @SatheeskannaK @DavidKangni @Anuhya-Y @Pradeep_Kumar_Srivastav
Hi Team, Could someone please provide examples of UTM source contextual attributes? A screenshot would be very helpful for better understanding. Source action id: ID of the Email action added to the journey or campaign.Source action name: name of the Email action added to the journey or campaign.Sou...