Please upvote if you think it would be handy to be able to automatically discard the previous message on a proof.
Out Fiscal Year runs from July 1 through June 30, and at no point is the planner explicitly asked what fiscal year a project falls into. I need a field that will calculate what fiscal year a project is in based in the creation date of the project (close enough for my reporting needs). I planned to p... Often our designers go into a proof and read what is visible but it isn't always clear that there is a reply within that comment thread. The little arrow with the number of replies is getting missed. I would like the option to set a default ...
I have a template that maps a project 9 months out. Often times, we end up not kicking off a project until 5 months out. When this happens, I go in and manually adjust the timeline so that the durations are evenly reduced and distributed. Is there a way that the template can automatically do this? ...
I am trying to get a report together of all of our projects based on coronavirus, so I am using the "Project > Project Number" and then "Contains" but I am listing out multiple options and I am not sure how to make it clear that each option should be its own phrase. Every time I run it, the report s...
I have been asked if we can monitor a teams' holiday entitlement via Workfront. I had the idea of creating a calendar and using the Time Off option as a filter which has worked fine when I tested. The next ask is that Workfront 'manages' the allocation per person, e.g. 25 days per year, and displays...
Some project creators are forgetting to grant 'manage' access levels to our team when they create projects that we are assigned to. I would like to see a report to show all the projects my Team in on where they do not have manage access.