‚I am wondering what experience people have had customizing email alerts. We understand how to customize the notifications, and are doing that. But the alerts don't seem editable and are confusing for recipients. Many of the links are worded differently but go to the exact same page, so repeating th...
Can you adjust the assignee's allocation in a task so you can assign 2 people to one task and have the work divided the way I want it- i.e Art director- 5%- Designer 95%. I want both to be aware of the timelines and due dates but don't have to have individual tasks.
Is it possible to embed objects within WF into a Dashboard? Aside from Request Queue, I've got this down, but nothing else...? I have plenty of WF stuff inside dashboards by utilize the "generic" URLs, but really dislike how clunky it is and sometimes because of the way objects are laid out w.i WF, ...
Trying to Copy a custom form that is an issue to a custom form that is a project and getting this as error "The following fields are invalid: {queueTopic}.{name} Unknown field: {queueTopic}.{name}"
I've created a field to concatenate 5 fields to create an auto-populated job number. I need Agency Code, Client Code, Product Code, Year (2 characters only), and Job ID (a unique hand-typed string in another field). So far I have CONCAT(Agency Code,Company.Client Code,Company.Product Code) and tha...
Wondering how to get the most out of Workfront One? Check out this article full of tips and videos about using Workfront One. There's a lot of things in here, so I'll highlight different sections of this article over the coming days in community posts as well. If you have any questions, please reach...
I have work license users who have access to projects and have been assigned to tasks. Their personal preferences AND the layout template have designated that "Projects" should be the default page, but it keeps going to "Requests" and does not even update the pinned pages I added to the layout. Real...
Hello, we are attempting to create reports based off of custom forms that are regularly updated by our project managers. However, when custom forms are changed within an object, the replaced data is lost unless pasted into the Updates section of that object. Is this data that ultimately gets replace...