We use Portfolios to indicate different "sections" of the company - each of which have their own terminology for when something is in Planning, Open, or Closed. I know I'm able to set custom statuses for groups, but some users span multiple groups. I'm wondering if there is a way to set custom proj...
We have been using the report "My Proof Approvals" available as a kick start, but have recently realized it is only showing proofs in which the logged-in user has an Approver role on the Proof. Our PMs reserve the Approver role for the final round of reviews, and in the previous rounds only use the ...
I have multiple members of a different department that will need access to submit requests within my Workfront instance. They only need to submit requests into a queue and update them. Is this possible with a Requester license and are these free licenses?
Hi WF Community, Does anyone know if it's possible to display a section in a dashboard with a list of links? I know you can use the External Page option in a dashboard, but that only lets me link to one specific page. I have a bunch of links to custom filters on the Workload Balancer, and since d...
I want to share a calendar enterprise-wide without requiring employees to login via SSO, which could create thousands of requestors. I know that I can create a public URL, but then, I have a public URL ... that's a security/confidentiality risk. What I really want is a "public to Enterprise" link. I...
I'm looking for some guidance and best practice on holding documentation within Workfront. How do others handle sensitive and/or proprietary documentation within projects? I know when a password protected document is uploaded, the password carries in. But is there a way to password protect a docu...
I created a report by program to share on the boss's page so they can see all of the requests. (but some of these are General Manager level and will not be accessing WF) We are wondering if there is a way for it to notify them that a request for their dept has been entered. Often times we get peopl...
Scenario: issues in a request queue are routed to a team. The team views the issue and creates a task in a different project. The team uses Scrum. The iteration view for that team is showing the Issue and the Task, which messes the view. I cannot find a way to exclude the Issue from the view. An...
I've been tasked with funneling in Workfront data into a GCP (Google Cloud Platform) project and I wanted to reach out to the WF community to see if anyone has done anything similar. I also wanted to hear from technical resources at Workfront to see if there are any suggested best practices. I am no...