Good afternoon,I was wondering if anyone knew of a way I could pull into a report who marked a task complete. I am looking to use this to show if the task owner is checking this off or if it is the PM to help push for better adoption. I didnt see anything that looked quite right in the API. I tried ...
We have to route multiple banners, manuscripts, emails, etc. Within our templates we have one task to route each asset between 3/4 different teams . The issue we are running into is we're unable to give each team different deadlines. Since they all share the same task, they share the deadlines. We ...
It looks like out of the box, there are four decisions that can be made: Approved, Approved with Changes, Changes Required and Not Relevant. Can I create my own decision? We would like to have something like "Discussion Required." Changes Required isn't really accurate, as we aren't sure at that poi...
We already have a Proof Approval report, but yesterday we realized it doesn't show folks on a PHQ routing who have statuses such as "Read Only" or "Reviewer". Yikes! Worse, support says this sort of reporting within WF is not currently available and won't be until late 2021. Double yikes! I don't su...
I'm trying to figure out how to add the following to an Issue report:# Days between planned completion date and Awaiting Feedback# Days between Awaiting Feedback and closed I'm having some difficulty. Has anyone done anything similar? We trying to measure how much of late delivery is due to extende...
We have Agile teams using Azure DevOps. We want to determine if we can meet out Agile Teams' need in WF, not necessarily recreate our DevOps process though.
I've recently watched the LEAP video with Schneider Electric and thought that was fantastic but looking to see if another company has other tips and tricks in doing this.