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An extra day! What are you doing with your extra day this Leap year?


2020 is a Leap year - and it is almost leap day. It's so nice to have an extra day this year to get stuff done... and it's got me thinking, what would I do with an extra day EVERY month? For me, I would have to use at least a few of my extra days for some self care, something like a nice long massage, but I also think I'd use it to catch up on some of my late tasks in Home! My question to you all - What would you do with an extra day every month ? Spend it getting more done in Workfront? Or some self care like me? And just as a little plug, since this is Leap year, we hope to see you all at Leap in "https://www.workfront.com/leap-us" Orlando or "https://www.workfront.com/leap-uk" London in just a few months!

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