Hi CommunityI've created a project report that highlights projects where the condition is 'At Risk' in orange or any that are 'In Trouble' in red. However, this should only be applied to incomplete projects (where Percent Complete < 100). So, the one At Risk should be highlighted orange but the one ...
Any Workfront users that use Workfront for something other than Marketing Campaigns? Looking to connect with other Workfront Users that use Workfront for more than marketing. We are a manufacturing company that uses Workfront as our Operational System of Record. I would like to connect during ...
We have several users who like to submit requests with a proof that includes the markup edits. This is such a timesaver for both our submitters and designers. Why is it though that when I convert the request to a project, the proof doesn't follow along with it? Yes, there are workarounds, (uncheck ...
I need help with a calculation, and I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.I have a calculated field to determine the difference between a custom date field and the project planned completion date: WEEKDAYDIFF({plannedCompletionDate}, (ADDWEEKDAYS({DE:First Offer Date},-15))).I included the field in...
Hello,I am trying to add in some Milestone info on a Note report. This textmode works on a Project report but on a Note report it returns no info. What tweaks do I have to make to this in order to pull the Milestone info? displayname=R1 Proof listdelimiter=<p> listmethod=nested(tasks).lists type=ite...
Hi,I'm trying to pull the project owner name into a custom field on a form. Owner name is not an option in the fields, but ownerID is. I was able to use syntax for the name and it shows it in the calculation result (see image) but gives an error and won't let me save the expression.Any ideas on ho...
I am configuring a custom form, one of the fields is called Media, within this option there is an option called In-person, when you choose this option the option place where it is taught is displayed (a simple text box) and then you must proceed to the next option called start date (date field)The ...
Hi all,I'm currently looking to capture the cumulative amount of time a request spends in each different status. I was referencing this old post which has a lot of great information on tracking the dates but I'm looking for the time. Has anyone done this before and do you have any tips? Thanks!