If you're interested in checking out our new search functionality on Workfront One and would like a sneak peek, please let me know and I'll reach out and see if we can get something started for you.
One of the ten recipes in the Adobe Workfront Customer Reporting Cookbook, “Project and Task Approval Workflow Details” submitted by @Teale McCleaf‚ from Rego Consulting at Google, yields a report showing end-to-end approval workflow details about a Project submitted for approval via a Request Queu...
We are a small team and we don't use the resource tools hardly at all so I'm wondering if there are other people who are small like us with small creative teams who wing it more than plan it. I have a new person who will assign work for the first time since we launched 2.5 years ago and I'm re-evalu...
I know this is a long shot, and I'm not well versed in the EXISTS filter yet, but I'm hoping someone can help. Currently we have a proof approval report that shows proofs where the logged in user is a "reviewer and approver" and it's currently "Pending Review". Unfortunately this still makes a very ...
Anyone else experiencing queue topics disappearing? I didn't see anything in known issues but before I reach out to support, I want to see if anyone is experiencing it or has experienced it in the past. We have a request form on a project used to reserve equipment. We created queue topics and everyt...
As of this am, we are experiencing issues where only 5 of our 12 statuses are showing on Issues when a user selects them. This led to concern the statuses had been deleted. Turns out, if you scroll down on your mouse wheel, there's a little page hiccup and then the remaining statuses beyond the init...
I am compiling a user report to use determine the proper access level, layout template and proof license based on job role and group. I am able to get everything I need except the proof permissions profile. Does anyone know if this is possible?
Will a WORK liicense suffice to be able to create a project from a template? Y or N AND Name all possible licenses (PLAN, WORK, REVIEWER, etc.) that enables this sort of permission.
So in my company we're a small group of three system admins. Today we were talking through the logistics of a scenario to archive custom form data in closed objects by uploading the custom form as a PDF on closure through Fusion (goal is to prevent any future data loss through deprecation of fields ...