Hey all! My teammates @Melissa Pickering‚ and @Melissa Talcott‚ presented at a user group in fall of last year on the subject of Agile in Marketing. They talk through the basics of how to think about using Agile in your marketing group, although it's helpful for all teams to watch, since they cover ...
I am trying to subtract two columns in a view. Column 1 is the traditional "Planned Expense Cost" Field and looks like this in text mode: aggregator.displayformat=currencyStringCurrencyRoundedaggregator.function=SUMaggregator.namekey=plannedExpenseCostaggregator.valuefield=plannedExpenseCostaggrega...
I had one of my planners question why he did not have access to assign a portfolio, program or company to a project. He says he used to be able to and now he can't. As an admin, I was able to assign them when editing the project. I logged in as the planner and the options to assign a portfolio, p...
The radio button options contain reoccurring words (e.g. North, South). I'd like to report and group with the option's remain words (e.g. Dade, Broward). Perhaps it'll require a calculated field and a calculated column. I've tired many variations similar to: IF(CONTAINS(Region,“North Broward”),"Br...
Hi Everyone! We are currently recruiting WF admins, power users, and individual contributors (i.e., frontline users) to help us test different designs for the "joint" WF + Adobe Experience shell. The study will take approximately 45 minutes and will take place over the next two weeks. If you or any...
Hello! We use a custom calculated 'real due on' date for many of our tasks. I'd like for this to account for holidays as well. Here is the Text, any ideas how to incorporate holidays into this? displayname=Real Due Onlinkedname=directnamekey=handoffDatequerysort=handoffDatetextmode=truevalueexpressi...
Save time by building off of the 70+ built-in reports that Workfront offers! You don’t always need to start from scratch ‚Äî use one of these reports as your starting point and customize it based on your needs.
I have a team that has a large number of weekly (auto-complete) tasks spread across 5 annual projects.(a total of about 40 tasks)Because there is no sort order on the timesheet it makes it unruly. In addition, on the home page there should be an ability to sort (by project) AND ability to sort orde...
Here's the full idea. Have a field to assign a number value to a project or task. In a project or task report have a way to total that field for the assigned user. I was hoping it could be possible to have the Projects grouped by owner and somehow in the grouping also show that field total. For exam...