Another Workfront Product Manager here! I am responsible for the project management (e.g., Projects, Tasks, and Issues) area of the product. I would love to spend time on a 30 minute call to learn more about how you use the Workfront to manage projects and workflows/processes in general, what you us...
I am building a report and I need to pull in all teams that the person is on. What do I add to pull in all of the other teams the person may be on? Thank you, Becky Grosh Humana
Hello All - I am looking to create a report and am having some trouble. Most of our work comes in as a Request a Request Queue - so its an Issue of a Project. The issues are then converted to their own projects by someone on our project management team. When this is done, the Project Owner and Enter...
With content team members often spread across the world geographically, disasters natural and manmade can take team members unexpectedly out of play and wreak havoc on content production and calendars. What tips do you have for disaster-proofing your content operations?" Sherry Arnold Workfront
Hey everyone, It was great seeing so many of you yesterday! I just love the DFW User Group. "">Here's a link to the presentation . Much of what the Fossil team talked about won't be on here because th...
Ever since Doug Den Hoed posted the excellent click to edit text mode for reporting: For any object with Custom Forms: Edit Custom Forms in a pop-up window: displayname=Click to Edit linkedname=direct textmode=true valuefield=customF...
Here's a Report/Dashboard that I am having trouble configuring - honestly don't know if it is even possible. So, if anybody can confirm if this is possible or not in Workfront, that would be great. At the Program level, you can click on the "Gantt Chart" icon, which will give you a Gantt Chart view...
Good morning, We are trying to build a report using checkbox data. For example: Question 1 has the following checkbox options on a custom form: Red | Green | Blue I would want to know see the following and show it on a chart. 16 Red 14 Green 2 Blue What is the best report type to show that data in a...
I would like to add a task object (Column/fields) to a project report. This reporting's intended audience in upper management and I would like to minimize the number of report and information a report The task object to be included it eh milestone name form a milestone path previously assigned in ...