We are attempting to test functionality to send a follow-up SMS with info about their order to users who complete a purchase. We are using the current contextual event fields: Based on the following test payload for a simulated purchase event: In the SMS, the contextual fields for commerce.checkou...
In AJO do we have mechanism, similar to Adobe campaign, where we can stop all the campaigns via setting a common variable ? The way we do in our ACM ATM is to mark a common variable as false prior to data ingestion and analyze data quality through certain technical workflows. Once the data is verifi...
Hi there, In a Journey, we would like to create different paths based on which URLs have been clicked in the previous step (email). How would you build the "Expression" in "Conditions"? Thank you for looking into it.
Hi, I have a journey which triggers an event (first activity) The parametrs in the event are - an array called "legs" and "customer Number" . I am using a condition activity to check if a specific value within the array exists. Within the condition, I am passing the array and value as parameters us...
Is there an equivalent of Adobe campaign JS API as given below in AJO? var url = nms.delivery.GetMirrorURL(000000001,"00000002") We have a requirement where we have to generate the Mirror URL and export it on demand by an external application. Is this possible in AJO?
Hello all, How I can display 2022-12-11T07:13:04Z timestamp to 11/12/2022 07:13:04 EST format. Could not find any useful helper function. Tried following codes- {%= stringToDate(context.journey.events.`eventId`.timestamp).getMonth() %} + "/" +{%= stringToDate(context.journey.events.`eventId`.timesta...
Does anyone successfully implement push and in-app (beta) messaging? I am trying to use Firebase for android and iOS and checking if anyone created any custom action for a similar use case as the configurations are different for APN and Firebase as per Adobe doc. Thanks!
When we tried below code it is not working properly in AJO JSON. Anyone know how do we check date > 1 or date < 14 {{#each profile._nordea.Trigger.Triggers as |ABC|}}{%#if ABC.triggerName="trg_UAT_NCCL" and (ABC.dateAttribute02.getDayOfYear() <= currentDayOfYear())%} {"content_id":"UAT"}{%/if%}{{/ea...
https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/journey-optimizer/using/data-management/datasets/datasets-query-examples.html?lang=en How could I export these email tracking data automatically at weekly or monthly? https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/destinations/ui/activate/ex...
Hi AJO Team! I am new with Adobe Journey Optimizer, may I ask if how can I dynamically display current year on every timezone using functions of AJO. here is my code but it displays "false".{%= formatDate(now, "%4Y") %}Thanks in advance!