Hello, I'd like to add an "one-click opt-out link" to my Email message at subscription level.Where/how can I associate the subscription list to my message? Documentation [1] says the following, which suggests it's possible somehow: Subscription: The opt-out applies to future messages associated wit...
Hi all, need your help with the following question. In AJO, we have created two environments: Production and DEV (staging). We have already created some segments in production environment but we want to move then to the staging environment (DEV). How can I achieve this? Thanks in advance, Blanca
Sorry, I am just getting started with AJO and have a very basic question. If I create a Journey and have Email as the 'Action' - how do I incorporate an Offer into this email? Say for example the use case is - Loyalty members who visit the Seasonal Sale page should get a 20% off coupon in the email....
Hi, We send out order confirmations and order ready at pick up location.We don't have the pick up location address en name available in the order ready at pick up location event, so what we do is this:In the order event, we write the pick up location to the profile and in the ready at pick up locati...
Hi Team,I was trying to create email content templates in AJO.While creation, on image upload part there are 2 options to upload our custom images.1. Via local image upload2. Assets from AEMFor both option we are getting error : "Error 403: ForbiddenEither your organization is not currently entitled...
I am following the tutorial but I can get any container using this curlcurl -X GET \'https://platform.adobe.io/data/core/xcore/?product=acp&property=_instance.containerType==decisioning' \-H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \-H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \-H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {IMS_ORG}' \-H 'x-san...
Im creating an opt in journey for when a user selects email preferences to opt in to via a landing page and form in AJO (newsletter, events, education, products). However, im noticing that when the preferences are selected on the form and added to a subscription list, the system generated segment is...