Hi Experts, We are facing some weird behavior with push notifications for transactional messages. Some device tokens we register in Campaign go directly to the denylist even though it never receives any other notification. The token is right because the device receives messages from other ends than ...
Hi,Can anyone tell me that is AMP feature available for Adobe Campaign Standard?There is no standard documentation available in Adobe Campaign standard docs with regards to AMP and its implementation.So, if anybody has implemented then please share some insights.Regards & Thanks,Tirth Sangoi.
Hello all, although it sounds so simple, I could not find how to prevent contacts to receive recurring email more than once. Is there anyone who has knowledge on this and can help me?The current setup starts with schedule and query that lists contacts who participated in an event. Also in this query...
I have some creatives and fragments in our stage environment. When you export a package and import it to prod, the URLs our pointing to stage. Is there a way to update those to prod URLs with out having to go into ever fragment and delivery to update the image with prod URLs? Stage image.http://tgm...
Hi Experts, The tracking log for a recent e-mail shows that the same person clicked several links in the same e-mail in the exact second. For example, for the e-mail "Get With the Program - SE WOW Aug. 12, 2022 (DM18194)", the tracking logs show that user mcarric@bgsu.edu clicked five different li...