Hi,I am trying to start a workflow and send variables through a SOAP request like this:<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:urn="urn:xtk:workflow"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <urn:PostEvent> <urn:sessiontoken>___53d35702-7d18-4bb6-b...
Hey, I just built a get function that calls on a https API, but the server-department at my office wants me to use a proxy for this. Im relativily new to proxies, so my question is if anyone has an idea of how to wrap this get function in to a https proxy?loadLibrary("cus:json3.js");//Require temp S...
Hi All,Could you please tell how the alert for the Stock works? There is a Stock table from which campaign check the stocks before sending a campaign. I’m looking for a technical understanding.Thank you.
Hi,I created a recurring campaign to send an email to users who have purchased last week (purchase date on or before current date - 7days and purchase date on or after current date -14days). The scheduler is set in the afternoon.In this workflow there is also a query that excludes users who have alr...
Hi there.I'm finding it difficult to activate Inbox Rendering for our build of Campaign v6.1.We have identified the external table used for targeting here:But in the instructions from Inbox rendering, it asks me to "Extend the nms:seedMember schema and the linked input form to adapt the seed addre...
Hi,We have a scenario where multiple external application will call Adobe Campaign API (exposed using http://<server>/nl/jsp/soaprouter.jsp) on demand basis in order to get some data from the marketing database (custom tables).We want to understand maximum number of API calls Adobe Campaign can hand...
Hi All,For my segmentation purpose, I am using a personalization block in my email delivery's subject line. Inside this personalization block, I am doing a soap call to fetch the subject appropriate for my segment. However, if after evaluation, if I get 'Hi <%= recipient.firstName %>' this recipient...
HiI been having some exception when I analyze a delivery ( before sending the email out). here is the formula that I am applying on pressure rulesIif([outletFreq/@PrefAction]='weekly' and [outletFreq/@brandCd] ='OUT',[outletFreq/@Frequency],100)Rules screenhere is the exceptions that I see. Any Idea...