Hi, is there a way to pull multiple Page Names into one report in Workspace? When I pull in more than one Page Name, the data sets back to 0. Thank you!
Hi, I am currently trying to schedule my Report Builder file to Power Bi. I have managed to schedule this to my personal workspace over on Power Bi but I was wondering if you can configure Report Builder to schedule to a specific workspace instead? Currently it doesn't make any sense for it to be ...
Hi, I'm trying to create a calculated metric for engagements, which looks for users who did any of a number of actions like PDF download, video play, login, etc.However, the client wants this to be unique on a daily basis. For example, if I go to the site three times today (all separate visits) and ...
Hi, For a secure journey, when I'm looking at Flow visualisation, I'm seeing 'entries' data for that page but that's impossible as you cannot enter directly on that page-- can anyone explain what that entry refers to?I have also seen the same page recording traffic under 'entry page' which is again ...
I'm trying to schedule the data feeds to S3, however, I'm getting the "Failed to complete successfully" status emails. I have checked the s3 details like access key, secret key, bucket details and all are correct. I have other feeds getting delivered successfully to the same s3 bucket that is used ...
Hi Guys, I'm currently setting up Google Ads reporting in Adobe Analytics. Pretty much done except... ofcourse I don't have the historical data of the Google Ads account. Is there a way to one time import all historical data ( Impressions, Clicks, Costs, CTR, CPC) in one go? or any other sollutions...
we have a report suite in which we have defines a success event named event7 and we are trying to get that custom numeric event data via the adobe analytics APIis it any diffrent from getting the metrics data
Hi I have to analyze traffic splitted by hour, if I put in dimension Hour and in metrics visits I see that 70% of traffic is Unspecified, do you know why? Thk,Francesco
Hi All, We are facing issues in some transactions where a user might have refreshed the page after successful payment multiple times because of which we are observing more number of orders whereas the actual orders are lesser. Request someone to please suggest a resolution to this issue?Thanks in ad...
Hi All, We are facing issues in some transactions where a user might have refreshed the page after successful payment multiple times because of which we are observing more number of orders whereas the actual orders are lesser. Request someone to please suggest a resolution to this issue?Thanks in ad...