Interested in hearing from others on how billing/invoicing is handled. Our old system would auto-generate monthly spreadsheets that has project metadata and total project costs that we use to bill our clients. With Workfront, it seems that you need to create a Billing Record in order to marked the p...
Hey Everyone, Hoping someone already created this wheel. We're trying to create a calculated field that will give us the minutes between two dates (i.e. Entry & Actual Completion). But we want it to apply to Work Minutes. The WORKMINUTESDIFF would be perfect. But it uses the work period of the Defau...
Okay - so I found the shortened description text on, easy peasy. A great site btw if any of you are unfamiliar with it. I am trying to pull the shortened project description into a task report. This seems like it should be possible by referencing the object type in the text, but as usual,...
I'm probably going to make a hash of trying to explain the EXISTS FILTER but here it is, explained as I understand it. You have to be able to know how to read the API EXPLORER a bit before trying this: PROBLEM: Show me projects where portfolio owner is no longer active in a PROJECT report. SOLUTION:...
Hi Kirsten, One thing I can think of is that you could create a custom column in text mode that limits the length of the strings. Then, to Narayan's point, have a view that allows you to edit the fields versus view these limited strings. Think: SUBSTR({string},number of start position, length of str...
I'm sure I'm not alone here but my designers are having a very hard time navigating Home and feeling confident that they know what they need to get done each day. I heard a few people at LEAP mention that they created a hot sheet/daily report that tells their designers what they need to work on and ...
Is there a way to enable a spell-check type of view from within a proof? The backstory is - yes, this should be done in the native file (InDesign, Word, etc) but - whatever the reason, we are often battling spelling errors that make it into proofing. It'd be great if proofers had a spell-check aid w...
Does anyone know how to do a If/Then statement in the reporting. My tasks have a custom notes field and I only want to show the notes at the parent task level, below is how this would look: If parent is a project (identifying top level tasks) Show task note If parent is a task Show parent ta...
I would like some of our non-deadline project schedules to automatically update the timeline based on actual completion dates of predecessor tasks without me having to redo a schedule for every delay. Is that possible? I've been looking into task duration, constraint types, etc, but don't understand...