When do items in the "Complete" column on the Kanban board drop off? If they never drop off, it will become an ever-increasing list. If it is based on project status, which status triggers it to drop off?
So, we have a field whose value is numerical but its label is not. Ideally, when we have a grouping, we'd like to sort via the value and not by the label. Is there some sort of text setting which is required to enter in order for this to occur? I'm hoping that, by asking this question among my fell...
Status have been set company-wide per WF instruction guides. I went into our team and set up our Kanban storyboard. "New, In Progress, Out to Proof". Everything displays correctly except none of my issues logged "Out to Proof" show up on our Kanban board?
I'd like for the Task Description to show up as a field when sliding the right-sided Task Details panel. I'm not sure if this is where we supply feedback, so I'll leave my attachment here. Do you know of a way to conveniently have a user get Task Details - Description field from the right-sided slid...
My plan is to add a calculated field that notes when the iteration ID has a value but I can't determine how to do this so that it adds a timestamp of the first time ANY value is present in that field. Here's where I am and this doesn't work: IF(NOTBLANK{Iteration ID}),IF(ISBLANK({DE:Iteration Assign...
Playing a key role on the Marcom team, the Marcom Manager is the primary interface between brand marketing, creative design, production, regional marketing teams and IT. Focused on supporting the overall digital asset management (DAM) & marketing automation (MA) system processes, the Marcom Manager ...
Apparently this functionality exists in MS ProjectSo -- for example, if I am editing a date on Task 2, I want any tasks that have a dependency on Task 2 -- either directly or indirectly to display in red. Appreciate any assistance here