Is there a setting somewhere to have the custom forms on projects be collapsed by default when the Project Details is clicked on? Right now the first attached custom form always is open and the other ones after are closed when the tab is clicked. Thank you.
Hello, I am having trouble getting a file from my SF Opportunity to my WF Project. When it is uploaded on the WF end it ends up as an unreadable file. Here are the modules I am using to process this: Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong? Is it due to downloading the ContentDocument vs j...
I have two scenarios ....1) External email address profile. Let's say an agency partner has someone who needs a WF profile. I used to create inside Workfront with their email address. However -- the challenge I'm encountering is if that person has an Adobe login for their own products and uses the s...
Hi all, I am trying to pull primary contact/requested by name into a task report which is filtered to just one task. Is there a way to do this? - I have tried multiple text mode combinations. displayname=Primary Contactlinkedname=issuenamekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=issuenamekeyargkey.1=P...
Does anyone has experience in Integrating Adobe Workfront with SAP Datawarehouse to retrieve data from Workfront and schedule batch jobs?I am specifically looking at API endpoints and detailed procedure in integrating it with SAP Datawarehouse
I've added Last Updated by to my view but i want to change this so it only picks up when the task is changed to complete. ie when it's changed to In progress or an Update is added for the task the Last Updated field is blank but when it's changed to Complete the field has the name of the person who ...
I created a dynamic board that shows the issues in a project queue. All of the issues except the Completed ones show up. Has anyone encountered this issue? Any suggestions?
I was wondering if anyone had experience connecting an WF External Lookup Field to JIRA API, keeping mind that on the JIRA side that I've configured an API Token for an account already. I keep trying this and it doesn't seem to work and I feel like I'm just missing something really small here.Any he...
We would like to create a report that captures all forms that a specific list of custom fields appear on. Does anyone have any suggestions on how best to approach this?