I'm creating task templates and would like to add the project name into the task name. Currently, the task name in the task template in our to-do list looks like this:Task nameTask nameTask nameIdeally, we'd like it to be:Project ABC - Task nameProject Lets Go - Task nameProject IX - Task nameIs thi...
My client invited me to join Workfront. I clicked on the invitation with a token, and it worked. I was able to log in and communicate with my point of contact for one day. The next day, I tried to login, and I kept getting a connection error, like timed out. My point of contact tried to troubleshoot...
I’d like to Import selections for a dropdown in a form.I'm trying to Export Data (Kick-Starts), and I do not know what to select when downloading a spreadsheet template.Then my next step is to figure out how to import the spreadsheet template with my drop downs.
I don't understand the need for the Watch Field and Watch Record modules. The only 2 starting modules I have used are the Watch Events module and Search module. Why use a watch field module when I can use a watch events and set it to run X times daily. Same thing for the watch record module, why use...
I was relying on the Queue Topic path to determine if a request was for Product A vs. Product B. However, some requests are getting sent down the wrong path and I'd rather not have the requestor re-enter the request. I'd like to set up a field indicating Product A or Product B and use that field for...
Is there a way to enforce proofing approval workflows on any proofs getting created within a particular task? We have a use case where certain task need to have a proofing activity for proofs created within that task.
Hi all, All of our templates (and therefore projects) are finishing with the same 3 tasks. These tasks are there for admin reasons but the teams in charge of them are always taking a very long time to complete them despite our efforts. Because of the delays of these 3 admin tasks, the Project report...