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Projects are often stuck on the last same 3 tasks (needed for admin purposes) and it is clogging up all the reports we are creating - How can we exclude them?


Level 1

Hi all,


All of our templates (and therefore projects) are finishing with the same 3 tasks. These tasks are there for admin reasons but the teams in charge of them are always taking a very long time to complete them despite our efforts.


Because of the delays of these 3 admin tasks, the Project reports are now very busy with projects stuck on these tasks which makes them harder to read.

In a project report, how could I exclude Projects where the "up-next" tasks is one of these admin tasks. These tasks have the exact same names on all templates.





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3 Replies


Level 7

Hi @Alexandra2 


Here's how you could do this: 

  1. make a parent task for those last 3 admin tasks, eg. "Admin Tasks". It completes when all 3 children are complete.
  2. Note the name of the task whose completion signals "project is complete", e.g. the task just before the "Admin Tasks" parent.
    Ideally this is a parent task that encapsulates all tasks outside the admin tasks. Let's assume this task is called "Project Execution". It completes when all its children are complete. 
  3. Select text-mode, and add

EXISTS:a:name=Admin Tasks

EXISTS:a:name=Project Execution


This equates to 

  • all projects where
  • we do not have tasks that (NOTEXISTS)
  • a task named Admin Tasks is not complete and
  • a task named Project Execution is complete 


Level 1

Thanks a lot for these tips - I will do a few tests - thanks again


Community Advisor


Hi @Alexandra2,


For these often left incomplete 3 Admin Tasks that are cluttering your project reports (and skewing your stats to Late, etc.), consider


  • creating a new "Admin Leftovers" project (either one big one, or one for each such project, suffixed as such), then
  • move the 3 Admin Tasks to the Leftovers project


By doing so, you'll clear up the clutter, and focus a spotlight on the Leftovers in a way that might help get things moving again.


If so, bonus; if not, it might also be time to delete those 3 Admin Tasks from the Template...


