HI Workfronters! QQ, I've put together a Fusion FLO that automatically converts a request ( Issue ) to a task on a project. this is working well but I now have a slight challenge as I would like the converted request ( now a task ) to be a child ( indent ) of a specific task on the project plan. I...
Can you block out calendar dates for a specific project in which you know no work will be performed, freeing up team members time allocations for the period of time? I tried using a custom calendar but didn't see anything there that would facilitated this need.
I have talked to many of the experts and consultants on this but no one can seem to give me a straight answer on how the estimated completion date is calculated on a burndown chart. The help article says it is based on the "rate of points completed". I am not entirely sure what they mean by "rate". ...
Im exploring the Fusion implementation and i'm looking for feedback on any customer experiences with this integration and whether or not you had Workfront help provide your implementation or if you worked with one of Workfronts partners?
Good afternoon,I was wondering if anyone knew of a way I could pull into a report who marked a task complete. I am looking to use this to show if the task owner is checking this off or if it is the PM to help push for better adoption. I didnt see anything that looked quite right in the API. I tried ...
We have to route multiple banners, manuscripts, emails, etc. Within our templates we have one task to route each asset between 3/4 different teams . The issue we are running into is we're unable to give each team different deadlines. Since they all share the same task, they share the deadlines. We ...
It looks like out of the box, there are four decisions that can be made: Approved, Approved with Changes, Changes Required and Not Relevant. Can I create my own decision? We would like to have something like "Discussion Required." Changes Required isn't really accurate, as we aren't sure at that poi...