We have a short, 5 min survey that will show you a design concept and ask you for your feedback. If you have the time to offer your thoughts, it will greatly help us improve the product to better meet your needs. When you are ready to start, click the link below to launch the survey. Thank you in a...
I followed the articles on creating a journal report to show when the project status changed to another status and when and by whom, however, I did not get the desired reports - looking at the report. Have anyone else already created this particular type of report using the journal report - that you...
For example, I'm running a project but want to lock the custom form to prohibit editing from other users who have access. And the second question, I want an audit log of fields that were changed. What was the original input and what is the new input? I know we can do that in the updates stream by tu...
Has anyone experienced issues in changing/updating user's name's? We have a user who's account was originally created with their formal legal name, which they don't go by. For their own To make it easier for other users to find him I have tried updating it to his preferred name three times now, but ...
My companies' official 1 year Workfront anniversary is approaching and we are getting ready to send out a survey to our user base. Any examples of Workfront related user experience surveys would be helpful for us to construct ours. Thanks
I am struggling with being able to pull an ID number from a task custom form into a Document Report. Here is the textmode that I have... The background - The Document is in the document folder on the project. I need to pull the VID # from a specific task on that project. displayname=IDlistdelimite...
Program and Portfolio Owners as well as other stakeholders may find it helpful to group a Task report by Program or Project if, for example, they want to see all of the tasks in a specific program or portfolio that are overdue. To do this, simply edit your report, navigate to the grouping area and s...
Hi! We've created a Document report with a custom column for the Proof URL link. Everything works except we would like the link to not open in a new window. We want it to open in the same tab. Anyone know the correct text mode syntax to get this to work?