I have a team of designers that work on webpage design. And, I'm interested on showing the following:Each designers planned hours and duration on a webpage project.How much time they spent on each project. Then, add that time together for multiple webpage projects during a duration of time. (Month X...
Having a problem where if there is an attachment on the jotform submission the form data does not show up in the request description. However if there is no attachment the form data populates the request description.
Hi Everyone ‚Äì my presentation for the Workfront Skill Exchange went live today! There were a lot of calculation examples in the presentation and I wanted to create a space here on the Community to share those so you can easily copy and paste them into your instance. Also, if you attended and didn’...
Hi, everyone, With 2022.2 release last week, we enabled the ability to have multi-object custom forms. This means that now you can attach the same custom form on several object types instead of having to maintain copies of the same form for various objects. Do you have any feedback you'd like to sh...
Hi I have a text mode for a field in view that gives me a list of all the tasks on the project with statusIt seems to be ordering the tasks out of syncIs there a way to sort by task number of task due dateAs part of the concat formula I also want to include due date, but it pulls through as blank An...
I'm running an Issue report and trying to get it to pull in the last system update that was logged and it's not pulling anything in . I can get it to pull through note text but not audit text. Any ideas on why it won't show? Alternately - if anyone has any recommendations for some good approval rep...
I'm creating a set of custom Request/Issue Statuses for a new group. Can any other administrator duplicate this (the missing Edit link?) The Edit link *does* appear when I mouse over Project Statuses, just not Tasks or Issues. I was successful at renaming the default Project Statuses, but unable to...
We created a project template two years ago. Its a typical template with both roles and people assigned to tasks. I was just called by a Workfront user telling me he gets an email when every project created by this template is set to active status even though he has not been assigned to a project ...