We're trying to report on Proof Usage - specifically, how many unique proofs were created by a specific team over the past year. I can't seem to get this out of the ProofHQ Dashboard or the WF Reporting system. I ran a document report based on the following:Owner > Home Team ID equal (all teams)Cu...
Fusion is creating logs for us which need all of this info. We are utilizing these logs to supply another team with filenames that they can use from the Project row and change the Project Status. A sample of it is here: 2021-11-5, SampleFilename01.tif, ID:9dad55nemt6g54537aupgf6n4s2021-10-28, Sample...
I cannot figure out how or why some Projects, Tasks and Issues remain on timesheets while others will fall off when they are all in a completed or canceled status. I have the preference to remove tasks and issues that are complete but I don't see an option for Projects. Thank you!
I know I can use custom calculated fields to pull in the program ID value on a project form but don't remember how to set this up. Any have this info handy?
I'm really struggling to conquer calculated fields. I need to add a calc field that will add 2 weekdays IF specific options within a field on a custom form are selected while others should add 4 weekdays. Is there a way to do this? Thank you!
We are relatively new to Workfront and therefore still trying to advance our ability to build the reports we need. I have been browsing through the many generic reports provided by Workfront but I can't quite find what I'm looking for. Does anyone know is there is a report around how long a project ...
Hello all, I currently provide a report for each Project Manager showing all their current projects, listing project name, description, start date, due date, %complete, and status. They are requesting to also see who is assigned to each project in the role of Creative Lead on this report. It seemed ...