Hello, Community, I’m delighted to announce 2 exciting enhancements on custom forms that have been released to Preview. You can now associate a custom form with multiple object types. You can add/remove object types for your forms at any time (even the forms that you’re already using today)This me...
Hi We are enabling / activating SSO during weekend, looking s tip for challenges and solution for the user? Any suggestion or recommendation....Any such experience you would like to share to get prepared for.... mvhKundan.
Hi Workfront Community, It’s been a long time since I have posted to the Community but have a recent issue that I was hoping someone may have a solution to. We have a Calendar that shows projects that have the custom form field “Is this a survey?” checked off. I have managers who proactively need to...
Hello - in building a custom form, we did a radio button field, and we get the following error: duplicate key value violates unique constraint What does this mean? We get this error now on every new field we are adding to the form. Thank you,Olivia
We are putting lengthy (~100 character) values on a dropdown list on a custom form, and the view is not wide enough to read without rolling over. As there are many options this is frustrating users. Are there settings that we can turn on to increase width of view? All three display types seem to be ...
I'm assigning a 'Reviewer and Approver' to a proof (as usual - nothing special), the email from PHQ drops into a shared mailbox as the role of approving content is shared across 3 team members and we need sign off by this R&A for audit. The issue is that if I click on the 'Go To Proof' unique link ...
It's not uncommon in our organization to have people with the same first, middle and last names. Their email address with have a sequential number, e.g. doe.john4@, to separate them. However, in Workfront when I use the @ sign to bring their name up I can't find a way to know which I want to use. I...
Yesterday a new version of a proof went out and everybody had the default decision pre-populated for "Not relevant." So first, I've never seen any decision pre-populate before. And 2nd, "not relevant" is hidden as a decision option so shouldn't even be a selection at all. It doesn't show up as an op...
Are the certification exams multiple choice fields like the practice test (but diff questions, of course), or is it demonstrating knowledge your actual instance of Workfront?