Using the Fusion 2.0 'Upload document' module for Workfront and passing a valid project ID (confirmed), it takes a while for the red ring to surround the upload document module, then fails to upload a document. There's not a lot of explanation in the output error, just that Workfront couldn't do it ...
API Endpoint NTAG...I'm trying to figure out how to automate notifications to all users who have been tagged in an update thread at any point.I'm trying to figure out how to automate notifications to all users who have been tagged in an update thread at any point. I know the NTAG endpoint is a thing...
Does anyone have a best practice solution for bringing text into a Workfront Rich Text field. We are finding when moving text from Rich Text fields in other applications that we are running into characters that are not accepted such as trademark and bullet symbols and we are losing things like URL l...
We currently have log time to future dates turned on in timesheet preferences, but leadership is asking that to be turned off, with the exception of vacation days, so those hours can still be entered in advance. If we can automate hours getting logged as vacation based on time-off calendar entries, ...
I have a CSV file that I would like to store in SQL. I have set up fusion to load this CSV doing an INSERT. However, fusion times out after 40 minutes and doesn't end up loading all the data.
I was presented with an interesting business case last week and I'm trying to think throught he best way to go about solving the problem. Business wants to correlate the marketing collateral they publish through their Workfront projects to their website performance. They're essentially asking, we l...
To be specific, I am looking to feeding fields from a custom form into the Project Business Case section of a Project. I can pull the codes for custom fields fine, but it appears that there's no master list of standard field codes to use for Fusion integrations. Does anyone know anything?
We have started to use the SharePoint modules with Fusion 2.0 for what seems like pretty basic functions like upload or download a document to a SharePoint document library however it doesn't seem like this is functionality supported in the latest SharePoint APIs. Would be interested to hear what f...
I've seen the thread about creating a proof. I'm assuming that isn't going to work for this scenario. In this case, when my user creates a request, they're going to attach a collection of files and those files need to be reviewed inline with all of our other document approvals. Those are already ...