Hi,I can't publish any new audiences using the Audience Composition canvas. I have not reached the maximum of live audiences. The error message is "internal server error". How can I find more information on this error? Best regards,Mikael
I am tryign to use the following code:{% let newDate = profile._loyaltyone.onboardingJourney.firstOffer.endDate %} New Date = {%= newDate %}which returns the following:New Date = 2024-05-12T00:00:00Z I would like to format as "May 12, 2024" but my code is not working:New Date = {%= formatDate(newDat...
Hi,I am trying to run demo example of AJIO integration using web SDK.. but luma site luma.enablementadobe.com is very slow and pages are not loading, even before injecting the code using the debugger. Can someone help? Kishor
In AJO for any particular journey we see an Indicator “Failed Individual Journey” in the view report. I want to know what does this mean specifically ?Whether the person has entered the journey and has exited for some reason (what reasons that can be) ? or whether the person could not enter the jour...
I would like to use recommended products from Target in AJO email. I should configure Delivery API post request to Target using Actions or Data Sources? How to use that in the journey?
I have used 'personalEmail.address' field in a schema, and ingested data via HTTP... profile got created and qualified for a required segment.and I have created a journey strtng with Audience qualification and used the segment here... the profile got entered into the journey but when I look into mes...
The way the schema's are created in One profile to multiple account(1:N). So when it comes to personalization, how to put condition over an array for personalizing in the communication(Email, SMS). We want to target customer whose Balance = 0, and personalize there Email/SMS with the Account Number ...