Hi All, Looking for some info on how everyone manages their updates, as I recently ran a survey with our workers. One of the problems that they are experiencing is (we are on the NWE btw): Updates/comments and search. Because departments put a comment in same place, it's hard to find the...
Does the user need to have a proofing license to set up and apply an automated workflow for proof approvals? I want our project managers to start using the automated workflows for client reviews, but they don't have proofing licenses. NOTICE: This email message is for the sole use of the intended re...
Hello All, I'm trying to create a report that includes a column that will return a link to the proof of a document. I've been trying to concatenate something like "https://xdomain.com/proof/",{Document GUID},"/",{Proof ID},"/view", but I can't figure out the formatting for the text editor in the rep...
Wondering if this type of notification is possible: a completed task notification on a single task to another team not assigned to the project. Like if the last task on project A (by team A) indicates a go ahead and start project B (by project B). Also is it possible to build this into the templates...
I have a queue built for those submitting requests for new creative and one for those looking for just a refresh of creative. They are separate Queue Topics. I'm looking to build a report that has a column for the New Creative requests and one for the Refresh creative requests. Anyone have suggestio...
I'm looking for options on requirements my company has with integrating the project management of our affiliate over the pond, using a different project management platform with there own API. I've heard of the ability to implement "connectors" (or whatever the terminology would be) to 3rd party app...
Hi Community I was wondering if you can advise me on a problem I am trying to figure out. I have a need to set up a portfolio or program to manage a drawdown contract. For example the total contract is £10,000 I then want to have an overview of the multiple projects and their costs against th...
Hi, I'm not having luck using a negative value as my true expression in my IF statement. Using a positive value in the exact same statement works. Is there special syntax for negative values in an IF statement? Am I missing something? I'm comparing project vs. template durations and looking to group...
Hi All, I have a report that tells you the difference between the planned comp date and the actual comp date. This is the text mode used: displayname=Week Day Difference textmode=true valueexpression=WEEKDAYDIFF({plannedCompletionDate},{actualCompletionDate}) valueformat=HTML Wondering if there is a...
Hello Experts, Any solution to assign a parent task to a team so to visualise in Workload Balancer? Else any other solution you would like share based upon your experience or recommendation. With best regards, Kundan Kumar. Kundan Kumar KGON - (Kverneland Group Operations Norway AS)