Designer A make proof V1. Designer A goes on vacation, Designer B makes V2. We have to permission Design B to upload the new proof version. Is there a systemic "always on" permission setting that allows all Designer/Workers to upload a view proof version with that traffic/admin having to individuall...
I am trying to compare a custom data field (Requested Delivery Date) to the Actual Completion Date to be able to label tasks Early, Late, or On Time in a report column. Among the expressions/text blocks I have tried are the following: displayname=Timing1textmode=truevalueexpression=IF({actualComplet...
We were sadly nearing the end of our Workfront contract and was referred to the AtAppStore by WFG to export our data. Doug was quick to respond and available to walk us through each step to make sure our data was exported and stored safely. Highly recommend if you need any AtAppStore services.
Upcoming opportunities to connect week of July 27! Check out these Leap sessions and then dive deeper by asking any questions of these incredibly talented presenters and work management expters. July 27: Ask the Disney team: Nick Zappas, DisneyJuly 28: Strive to Create an Environment of Self-Service...
HI Workfronters! QQ, I've put together a Fusion FLO that automatically converts a request ( Issue ) to a task on a project. this is working well but I now have a slight challenge as I would like the converted request ( now a task ) to be a child ( indent ) of a specific task on the project plan. I...
Can you block out calendar dates for a specific project in which you know no work will be performed, freeing up team members time allocations for the period of time? I tried using a custom calendar but didn't see anything there that would facilitated this need.
I have talked to many of the experts and consultants on this but no one can seem to give me a straight answer on how the estimated completion date is calculated on a burndown chart. The help article says it is based on the "rate of points completed". I am not entirely sure what they mean by "rate". ...
Im exploring the Fusion implementation and i'm looking for feedback on any customer experiences with this integration and whether or not you had Workfront help provide your implementation or if you worked with one of Workfronts partners?