Good morning folks!I've been moving users over to the new UX (only have a dozen or so users left to go) and I have been re-designing layouts along the way to leverage some of the customizations available to us. One area of concentration has been what a user sees when they 'Open Summary' while lookin...
Hello! I am trying to create a report that filters and shows a list of projects and their planned hours for the current week only. I have played around with a task, hour, and project report and I cannot find a way to show just current week or next 7 days hours vs. all hours for the entire project o...
Hello everyone, wondering if anyone has ideas on how to build this report... I want to see a delta between my planned dates, projected dates, and end dates. so Planned vs Projected delta, Planned vs Actual Delta for dates. This report will then show us tasks that we're frequently either starting lat...
Hello, I have a request queue that has 3 levels of Topic Groups and one level of Queue Topics. In a report I can pull in the main level Topic Group (so parent topic group) but do not know how to pull in all 3 levels of topic groups. Is this something that Text Mode can help with? If so, what woul...
For our final spotlight of 2020, meet @Sarah Stonestreet‚ ‚Äî a dedicated system admin who supports a lot of marketing teams and is a big fan of the community‚Äîand we're big fans of hers! Workfront: What was your background before learning Workfront?Sarah: With a degree and early career in journa...
This is probably a dumb question so I'll blame it on the December rush. How do I assign a task to a critical path? We have milestones in place, but have never gotten into the critical path. I know how we can view it, but not assign it.
When timeline/assignment/durations need to be changed, we typically put it back into a 'non-active' status. We do this to avoid assignees from getting multiple email notifications as things are adjusted. Then we move it back into active when done. However, they do get an email stating the project is...
I'm trying to set up a reminder notification for my team, but am finding that I'm restricted by a lot of the criteria. I want to send an email once a week, to everyone in my team, on Friday afternoon, to log their time. How can I set up this simple of a notification? All the available criteria are ...
Is anyone else struggling with the WorkFront’s policy of one Sandbox refresh a week and the inability to have a guaranteed Sandbox refreshed date with little notice (1 day). We are struggling with this because we have to implement all changes into Production (no ability to build in Sandbox and promo...