Hey guys‚Ķ Here is the scenario‚Ķ Many teams that use WF for intake want to have the direct link to their specific request page posted out there in SharePoint or maybe in email communications with their partners. If that “requestor” opens the link and isn’t already logged into WF, they are authent...
Hi WF Community, Can anyone assist me with some text mode in an HOUR report column that will show me the following? I want to display the custom portfolio field called Country of Residence as a column within an hour reportHere's the text mode I concocted for this column in my hour report, but it's n...
Hi, we are hiring! We are the 2nd largest retirement plan recordkeeper and growing quickly. We use Workfront as our Marketing workflow system. This role would help admin Workfront and also help support our Digital Asset Management System (Bynder) and our content creation tool that merges data with I...
I just migrated to New Experience and it seems that there is no autocomplete feature in custom form single line text fields when editing on the Project Details tab, though there is in Classic. I could not find anything about this in One. Is this a feature that is coming? Thanks.
Hi WF Community, When creating a new project there's a standard field Called Risk (this is not to be confused with the Risks and risk Type section and field, respectively, within the Business Case section). The default values available in this field are: none, very low, low, medium, high, very high....
Hi WF Community, We have a custom form called Incident Triage Requests. Folks attach and fill out this form on issue records. Those issues records are originally logged against any project in the system. We have a routing rule set up on a specific project called Incident Triage Requests that route...