Hello to All, Could you please suugest, whether "Is it possible to create one MIlestone report (using same milestone path) for all different portfolios grouped by Portfolio Names?" Looking for your expertise in this regard! :) Please refer the attachhment for reference. MvhKundan.
I'd like to create a report that first shows the Project-Level Information (including Description, Project Status, Project Owner, % Complete, and a few custom fields), and underneath each project is a list of outstanding tasks on that project assigned to specific people. Thank you!Olivia
I'm trying to add a field to my custom forms that creates a project name automatically. We include the Portfolio Name and Program Name in our file naming convention, but all I can get is the ID for my calculated form. The current string is: CONCAT(Reference Number,"_",Quarter,"_",Portfolio ID,"_",Pr...
I made a change (created a layout template that I was tailoring and going to use in the new experience) but was directed to just modify our existing layout template and migrate it over to the new experience. Well I edited the existing layout template - it wiped out ALL WF user's dashboards that the...
Hello! I have a project report with a text mode column to get the list of people on that project. Anyone know if there is a way to filter that people list for only certain roles? Just display the people that match a certain role. Something like this? This doesn't work but is what we're looking to d...
I have a project where the parent tasks are for example, Set 1, Set 2, etc. Under each of these we need the same set of sub tasks. Since we don't know the number of sets up front (could be 2, could be 50), I'm wondering if there is a way to append the same template to multiple parent tasks at the s...
Hi All, we need to grant some IT colleagues access to our Sandbox for testing purposes but we don't want to enable them to log in to the Production environment.Is it possible, or does anybody know a workaround? Thank you in advance! Kata
Hi Folks, I’m considering hosting a one hour workshop in which participants can choose and migrate some of their own data (Projects, Tasks, Users, etc) and/or configuration (Custom Forms, Reports, Dashboards, etc) between two of their environments (eg Sandbox to Prod, or Prod to Sandbox, or Prod to ...
2 years ago we had $X rate for billing per role. Last year it went up by $x. This year it will go down by $x. I don't want to lose the historical billing rate information, so I'm trying to figure out to write an if statement on a custom form - something like if (year=2019, billing rate = $x), if ...
Hi Workfront Community! I hope I can explain this in a way that is easy to follow so bare with me a little! Our App Dev, Web Dev and Systems teams have their own versions of a backlog project. Each backlog project contains tasks that each team reviews regularly and prioritizes what can be worked ...