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What % of customers have fully moved over to the new experience and happy/working effectively?


Level 10

I made a change (created a layout template that I was tailoring and going to use in the new experience) but was directed to just modify our existing layout template and migrate it over to the new experience. Well I edited the existing layout template - it wiped out ALL WF user's dashboards that they had added to their WF for those users who were assigned that particular layout template. Major crisis. Lots of late night to go back and make everyone whole again (manually) - had to sign in as each person and add their dashboards back on. Anyway - trying to see how many companies (percentage) wise has successfully transitioned and maybe get some "real" life tips to make this happen successfully. I've read all articles and viewed all videos'. Not exactly helpful - because they are not detailed enough. I need to proceed with caution - so that I don't wipe out the users again. Any tips are GREATLY appreciated. Don't want to wait until JULY 2022. If there are postings already, just point me to them. Thanks.


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5 Replies



Hi Benetta,

These are great questions. I know we have some awesome hands-on workshops for people transitioning to the new Workfront experience. You can register for those here. Also, I know our product team is still actively working on making this smoother, so if you want to set up time with @Jeremy Flores‚ you can find time on his calendar here. CC @Jessica Shayan‚

I hope those two resources can help you get what you need.




Level 10

Thank you. I have registered for the hands-on workshop.


Level 4

Hi @Benetta Perry‚, sorry to hear you had major difficulties in the migration :-(

We have already migrated all our users about a year ago. My experience was, that migrating the (very) old layout templates led to some odd system behavior. Additionally, I always try to avoid working with direct impact on our teams.

Therefore, we started with a blank layout template, made all configurations and then migrated over a small set of test users to get feedback before rolling out the changes. The teams highly appreciated the approach, and we promoted it as "we are listening to you to make things better".

Dashboard that had been "pinned" got lost, only favourites were preserved. We took the chance to "reunify" the user experience and created dashboards with links to the relevant reports and dashboard. As it got more and more difficult to help as an admin because every user had a different layout with pinned dashboards, we asked the user to nominate their favourites to the official collection rather than pinning it somewhere.


Level 10

thank you for sharing your experience with me.


Community Advisor

Moving over to NWE and working happily don't always go together. We moved everyone over (1,000) users in Q3 last year. If it weren't for the latency and slowness issues we'd be OK.

Regarding your issue:

Before transitioning, I created one layout for each job role category; Client Services, Editorial, Creative Managers, Digital Managers, Video Editors, etc. which ended up being about 15 layouts based solely on job role. Plus one general layout for Office managers, meeting planners, copy writers, creative, etc. (people who just perform tasks assigned to them).

Each report in each layout uses wildcards for who you are; MY tasks, MY teams projects, MY clients portfolios, etc. This limits the reports you need to create and maintain. Then over a weekend, we transitioned everyone over so NWE would appear when they logged on Monday.

We presented the changeover as "a new Workfront 2.0" with new more personalised dashboards and reports.

If we had presented it as just "a new look for Workfront" people would expect to have same the old reports and dashboards. We saw it as an opportunity to clean things up and get rid of bad habits that had formed over the years.

So far, it has made an impact on efficiency because now all people with the same job see the same reports and dashboards with the same type of data but personalised for the their projects, clients and portfolios.

Needless to say, it was a LOT of upfront work and prep as is any change management scenario. But the payoff was it moved us forward in one big jump instead of slowly trying to change things over.