Hi WF Community, I'm trying to create an hours report that will display associated notes/comments added to hour entries at the timesheet level. I tried this text mode code in a custom column on an hours report, but it doesn't seem to be working. Wondering if it's not possible to jump 3-4 objects? d...
Hoping someone has an idea on this. I am trying to create a grouping in a task report by assigned user but i only want to group the assigned users of 2 particular job roles and they could be assigned as secondary. Example: if a task has a primary assignment of a Sales role, and 2 other roles a desi...
In New Experience, I would like to add a conditional "if/then" for the priority field that's on the system form. For example: when someone selects "Emergency" I would like a text box to appear for the requestor to explain the emergency and maybe add a check box for ROI impact. I can put it in the cu...
I created a Fusion scenario in Sandbox that uses a webhook to look for updated projects. After testing, I want to clone that scenario and apply it to production.In cloning the scenario, it asks me to apply or create a new webhook. Instead of creating one from scratch, I'd like to clone, then edit th...
It's that time of year again! Let your voice be heard. Now through September 16th, visit Adobe Workfront One and prioritize top ideas on the Innovation Lab leaderboard. (Note: You MUST be logged into Adobe Workfront One to view this page.) This is your opportunity to tell us which features you w...
It's a bit of a mind-bender. The scenario is that a program had multiple projects. One of these projects handles briefing and all the others manage production. We want to hold the briefs in the briefing project only but we want to make the brief available to all the build projects. The idea is t...
We had an issue where someone was inadvertently tagged on a comment for a confidential project. Is there a way to prevent anyone outside a certain group from gaining visibility/access to a project through an assignment, comment, or tag?
If you aren't part of the @Agile Conversation‚ group you might have missed the announcement that we're hosting the first ever "Lean Coffee Talk" this month. We’ll be hosting an Agile meetup on September 16, 2021 from 8-8:45 am Pacific Time. Our theme will be Working in an Agile way using Workfront....
Hi - I want the logo to go to the Home area, but I would also like a specific Dashboard to show when a user first logs in every day. I can't seem to do that unless I change the logo to go to that dashboard, which makes it so that you can only get to Home by going to the menu area to select "home". I...
Right now we have to move "Planned Completion Date" for tasks every week that we're not going to get to in the upcoming iteration. It's time consuming and annoying. If a task in the Backlog didn't have a date required, we could sort by Brands we support and prioritize based on brand need, instead of...