I have a user who is unable to see any of the fields that come with a request queue's custom form, and I am clueless. Whenever I go to make a request, the fields show up for me, no matter what. And after checking, and logging in as various users with different access levels, it appears that the only...
I have set up a basic formula to check if a document has been added to a task before the task is completed. There are basically 2 pieces that would trigger the business rule error, if no document is added and if the after state value of the task status is complete (CPL or CPL:A). What works: ...
So I have a project report that I have used nested lists to put certain task names that are the same across all projects as the columns of the report. My problem is figuring out how I can create a filter or prompt based on those tasks and when they are marked complete. Here is an example of the code...
I'm trying to create proof in document new version, but I'm getting "[422] externalIntegrationType is the same and no handle was provided cannot be null"
Hi, I won't bore you with the reason why I need this - so here's the question .. I'm wondering if it's possibe to allow the user to enter copy into a custom form field -= then else where on the same form set the 'Description' for the request to be this field in a calculated field I'm trying {descri...
I have a calculated field on a custom form to calculate the days between a custom date field on a project and the planned completion date of that project. However, when those two dates are the same, the formula is showing a result of -1. I have attempted rounding, adding a day, and setting an if sta...
Is it possible to use the results of a user typeahead field on a task form, to pull in the user's email address and phone number using a calculated field on the task report?
Hello, Wondering if anyone has ever had to deal with canceling tasks on a Project?For example, if an Advertising Project template has a compliance task and that template is used for an Advertising Request, but the Compliance task is not needed, a client would like to just cancel the task, but not ac...
Is there a setting that would keep an incomplete task, even though it is past the planned or projected end date, on the assignees timesheet until they complete it?
My question: It looks like Priorities is great for task owners that don't need to access project-level information or folders. But it also looks like Priorities doesn't allow users to go to the full project: there's a colorful box with the project name but there's no link. If someone wanted to acces...