Dear community members, I want to check whether all colleagues with a Planner license currently manage projects. So, I'm looking for a user report that filters all colleagues with a Planner license and one (nested) column will give me the projects that that user is the owner of. Does anyone ha...
Hi there - hoping someone has some insight into this issue / question: - Notifications - we are receiving notifications via Fusion that a new project has been created. However, we have a series of templates, and only need certain individuals notified when those templates are created (not all of th...
Hi guys, fairly new to Workfront (< 6 months) so apologies if this is a question that has been asked before A PM within the team wants to create a new project template but is struggling to make it work with regards to tasks starting and completing on set days. For example, Task 11 - Styling session ...
Is there a way to track the duration of time a project has spent in the "On Hold" Status? If its two separate formulas I know I can use a third WEEKDAYDIFF formula to calculate the duration, but I'm not sure how to get the time stamps of when the project went "On Hold" and when it came off of "On H...
I am trying to run a report filtered according to who the object is shared with (e.g. Shared with X Group or System-Wide) but I do not know how to add that as filter. I have the "shared-with" field in my view so I know I can get at the data but struggling to filter on it. Any help appreciated!
Guys I'm stuck! I'm trying to determine of which projects owned by xyz team were not assigned a graphic designer role. I can't seem to grab this somehow. Is it an assignment report of all projects that do not have a graphic designer role as part of a project user? A task report that shows projec...
I’m trying to create a report that filters for tasks that are a predecessor of two particular tasks, where the predecessor is ready to start but is not complete. For example: Task 15: "Activate Changes" (this task is ready to begin/can start, but not yet complete) Task 16: "Live QA Review," predeces...
I am trying to setup requests and it is asking me to setup topic groups and routing rules but the documentations does not show me how with the navigation for the new experience. The documentation is for the classic Workfront. Help please
I'm developing an Hours report and need some help creating a calculated field and then would like to pull it into the Matrix grouping. The field should calculate the percentage of Internal hours out of the total hours for the given time frame.I would like to configure the calculated field in the Mat...
I need to run a report that shows both the date an employee was entered if they are an active employee, or the date their account was deactivated if they are no longer using Workfront/left our company. I don't see an option for "user term date" or something like that, so how can I get a report with...