Hey all. We are leveraging Fusion to manage work across our various lines of business using Fusion to create Parent/Child relationships. This allows us to share the necessary data from upstream teams, give visibility to the Project Owner on status of Child Tasks, etc. We have a new user who is co...
Hi y'all, After last night's patch, all daily summaries were turned on for our users. (This was not the case previously.) This meant our users received at least one additional email...and let us know about it. Did anyone else experience this high weirdness?-John O'Sullivan (Aetna)
Hello! I am trying to create a report and having an issue on how to acheive it. I am needing to have two tasks with their due dates on the same line so I can easily pull a comparision report. So the columns would be: Project Name, Project Owner, Task Name 1, Due Date of Task Name 1, Task Name 2, Du...
I know if it's drawn from an issue on a project, you can, by running an issue report. But if I create a card directly on a Board and it's not tied to a project, task or issue; how can I include that in a report? It's nowhere to be found in the API. I've always said "Boards is a great way to circum...
I try to create a report where I filter off a few names. Please se attached where I want to filter off the names containing traffic or unassigned, but it seems like they keep appearing… And I did try to type it with first letter as a capital as well with the same result.
I have encountered this issue twice today, and I am uncertain as to what is going on to cause it. The first time, I had to reactivate a user and I typed in the wrong Access level for their account when the prompt came up. So, when I went to select the proper level from the dropdown, all the options ...
I know that proofs archive after ~60 days, but is there any timeframe in which the decisions/updates on the proof will be deleted for good? Our compliance teams wants to make sure that we have tracking of all approval decisions years down the road if need be. Any info is appreciated
I created a new column to determine if projects were created with a new project template, or an old project template (if statement). Our new project template has 19 tasks on it, but the old one had a lot more. This is the calculation I'm using:: displayname=Less than 20 Tasks = New TemplatesortT...
In settings > Interface > Views and clicked to sort by items that were visible system wide. Workfront popped me to a view that just says: Invalid Parameter: Search Parameter value "isSystemWideVisible". with the warning exclamation point icon, and won't let me revert to the standard view or change ...