Users cannot currently see the Project names when reviewing and approving an asset in Proof. They currently only see the names of the asset. Is this possible? - as it's important Reviewers understand which project the asset belongs to. Hoping this is a simple fix? - thank in advance, Mike
Is it possible to set a default view or grouping that is used by any user viewing the project after it is created? I know you can use the layout template to default a view, but we have some users that need to see custom data that is determined by the project template type being used, rather than ...
“Assign Design” is often the first task on a project. We would like to set the default end date of all Assign Design tasks to a day of the week (Tuesday). Is it possible to add a lag type to the first task of a project, utilizing “3w” somehow? We would prefer to achieve this without having to add a ...
We are having trouble getting users to convert issues into tasks then assign the task to a different destination project rather than keeping the task in the request queue project. The ideal process would have them converting the issue/request into a task and then choosing what project to have the ...
Me again! I have a project report with a task collection column; however, I need to add an if statement so that I'm only showing tasks with a specific template task ID. I'm not the strongest at writing IF statements so I'm hoping someone can help me out, here's what I have: valueexpression=IF({templ...
Hi all, I have a scenario that copies a value from a Job Number field to the project name as a prefix. Occasionally someone will create and then immediately delete a project which causes several of my scenarios to throw an error. Your scenario PROJ-Add Job Number to Project Name v2.0 | Productio...
Hi All, I've created a Task report, and I'm trying to calculate actual durations for tasks in this year's projects (in order to update our templates for next year). It's been determined that the Actual Duration field is of limited value because in many cases, users marked tasks complete without f...
Where can I find the previous Webinars in Workfront before migrating to experience league we can easily navigate those session via event but now really confusing with this layout.
Hi, Wondering if there is an answer / solution for this: When setting a Start Date for a Task and setting it to a date (i.e., Sep 9) - is there a way to set the the Due Date to the same Date (i.e., Sep 9), without using 0 Days as the Task Duration? We had a template setup that was working this way...