Anyone know why you can't change a project from Archived to Current? I keep getting an error message when I try and my designers can't add hours to the project.
Quick Actions > upload Document action in the New Workfront Home Page experience (23.3) breaks the users ability to upload a document NEW VERSION. It only allows users to upload an original document to the specified folder. As admin, I am advising users not to use the New Home Page experience yet, ...
Hello Community, Hope all is well. My MarTech team and I are conducting research into Workfront/Sharepoint integration. If I could be directed or provided little more information, perhaps some documentation into this integration would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Have a pleasant day.
I am trying to add a typeahead field in a custom form that has the Program names from a specific group. I have tried to add a filter but it is not working. Has anyone else been successful at doing this?
Which part of a project linked to a request triggers email notifications? I've updated the routing rule in the project and submitted a test request but it didn't change the group that was notified. Is it from the 'people' or somewhere else too? Thanks!
Hi all,I'm replacing a custom field with a new field, and when I tested the process in Sandbox environment, all the original data was removed from that filed. I going to have to work-around this in this occasion, but is this expected behaviour?ThanksMatt
Hi All,I've got a task report, to which I'd like to add a custom cicontains prompt to filter for only those tasks, whose parent includes the prompted text in the name.The parent tasks contain months in their names and need to give users a simple prompt to select a month:I'm using the simple text mod...
Hi all, I'm interested to hear any tips for taking over a WF instance and specifically carrying out a more detailed audit. I've got a good feel for how users are leveraging the system and some opportunities for efficiencies. I also have the system admin inherited instance playbook / checklist which ...
Sorry having problems getting any value, true or false for the following script, and not sure why. displayname=Delivery Datelistdelimiter=<p>listmethod=nested(tasks).liststextmode=truetype=iteratevalueexpression=IF(CONTAINS("Shipping Ocean",{Project}.{Task}.{name}),{"dueDate"},"0"))valueformat=HTML