Our style guide is getting an update and one of the things changing is the way "flier" or ""flyer" is spelled. Is there a way in Workfront to equate these 2 spellings for Search purposes? Any recommendations?
Our company is looking to switch from Box to an internal server for file storage. Since we will no longer be able to link documents to projects from a cloud provider, are we able to purchase more storage within Workfront? I can see us using up the current storage quota quickly if/when we make this s...
Does the daily flow of Ideas actually go anywhere as it stands, today?I feel like these people submitting ideas might not be aware that, seemingly in the interim, no one is collecting and reviewing these ideas until a new process is built.If this is indeed the case would it make more sense to disabl...
I can't find a way to do this, but it would be incredibly helpful, negating the need to go into every ticket for a current view of delivery stage and latest update Any advice gratefully received. I'll keep tinkering in the meantime and post up a solution if I find one for future reference.
I'm trying to create a process where my manager will receive requests that come in on a custom form, that's in a request queue and she can approve or reject the project. When I run a test submission, I am not seeing the approve and reject buttons at the top of the submitted request. Did i miss a set...
I am looking to provide an overview of our Programs showing the start and end date of each program. The start date would be the planned start date of the project in that program with the earliest planned start date, and the end date would be the planned completion date of the project in that progra...
Hello! On a task within a project template, I have a folder where I have turned off "Inherited Permissions" so that only select users can see the folder. However, when I create a project from a template it doesn't retain those settings - users inherit the permissions. Any thoughts?
The following is our PTO request process: Does anyone have a similar process and how do you use Workfront to manage your process. How to enter your PTO: Workfront Request Time-off PTO by filling out the Time Off RequestOnce approved, mark your Time-off in Workfront - See Steps Below Click on Menu I...
Dropbox had an update yesterday which caused some problems with our Projects. We link multiple images from Dropbox to each Project, but due to the update, we can no longer see the folders to link from or download previously linked images. We get error message "Authorization is required. (The owner o...