I have done some testing in the past, but unsure now of the result I got and my new testing it causing me to go in circles! In requests/issues, does the user see their Home Group Statuses or the Statuses of the Group that is assigned to the Project Request Queue?
I sent a test email to the request queue with 2 documents attached. One was a .doc (15 KB) and one was a .pdf (583 KB). Only the .doc was saved in the "documents" section of the request queue. To make matters even weirder, I also "forwarded" an email with the same 2 attachments to the intake email a...
I have created a project with a huge bunch of tasks without any template and is in progress, almost 50% complete. But now I am trying to link the Template tasks to my project tasks, I dont see any field on the Task details to attach or link the Template tasks. I was able to attach the Template to th...
Hi, I feel that should be really straight forward but it's not for me. I've added several new users in WF some time ago, the original invite email can't be found in the new users inbox (apparently). I can't see how I can resend the invite, I don't have that option in their WF account. We are enrolle...
I have created a report based on projects & statuses. The report is grouped by "Status" field but by default sorts the order by Alphabetical order (Current, On Hold, Stage 1 etc.). But I want this to be displayed in a custom sequence based on the project lifecycle status steps (starting with Request...
We have been experiencing issues opening Workfront Proofs directly from a Workfront Proof Email on our iphones. I did delete the "Proof App" in case that was the issue, but it still does not work for me on Safari. I can open the proof through the Workfront app but that is very inefficient, especia...
Is there a way to carry over unresolved proof comments into new proof versions in Workfront Proof? This would be extremely helpful to keep track of edits needed when we are ready to review some of the changes, but some longer term resolutions are still outstanding. Thanks
So, in the last two days I have been called in to investigate two instances of things not appearing as expected in WF. Both instances were the result of folks making changes to task lists--specifically, deleting tasks--after projects were launched.One instance resulted in the deletion of milestones...
We have a request form that includes a field dropdown that lists all active programs. is it possible to have the dropdown selection from the request form then autopopulate the Project association's program?